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Attendance & Monitoring

Although the college environment is one in which students are given more freedom in the management of their time, their study load, and planning for their next step, St Charles is an institution where student attendance and progress is monitored and supported very closely. This takes place in the following ways:

  • Attendance at lessons is recorded electronically, together with any time lost through lack of punctuality. These attendance records can be accessed at any time through the College’s information systems, and the student can track their own records through their Profile page which they can access in College and remotely from a home computer.
  • Students’ Group Tutors receive weekly attendance reports and follow up any issues with students in the daily tutorial sessions.
  • Students in receipt of the Bursary have to reach attendance rates of 95% each week, with minimal lateness in order to qualify for their payments.
  • For all courses students are given a target grade, based on an assessment of their prior achievement, and subject teachers make regular assessments of their current level of attainment against that grade. These assessments are entered in a students’ record, are used in the two sets of reports that we send to students’ families through the year, and can be viewed by students through their Profile page at any time.
  • All teachers can write referral reports on their students at any time, both to applaud and challenge students’ progress, and these are picked up and responded to by Group Tutors and senior staff as appropriate. These are part of a students’ record at the College and, again, can be accessed and read by them on their Profile page.
  • Pastoral Managers make regular checks on students’ attendance rates and progress, and respond to Group Tutor information, in order to intervene to challenge or support students when necessary. These interventions might subsequently involve contact with parents or referral to other sources of support and are always recorded as part of a students’ pastoral record.
  • The College reserves the right to place students on probationary enrolment or short-term performance contracts whenever attendance or work submission has become very weak. These systems are run by senior staff, and students’ families are kept closely informed of these arrangements.

All staff, parents and visitors have a statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of students. Please click here for more information on safeguarding.


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Attendance & Punctuality Policy 25th Mar 2022 Download