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Student Feedback

The College uses a variety of methods to ensure that the student voice is heard loud and clear in checking on the quality of the work we do and helping us to maintain high standards of teaching and learning across our course programmes.

  • Students complete comprehensive course questionnaires each year for every programme of study that they follow, and the results of these are included in subject area self-assessments
  • Completing A level students also complete questionnaires as part of our involvement in the ALIS value-added system which enables us to place our student feedback in a national context
  • Students complete whole college feedback surveys on their experience of enrolment and induction 
  • Students participate in an energetic student council which works as a link between the student body and the senior management team at the College
  • Students are involved in the appointment of staff; they feedback to our selection panel following participation in micro lessons taught by the respective candidates
  • Students are represented on the Governing Body and on the Equality and Diversity Group
  • Students often participate in focus group discussions on a range of college issues including subject area reviews, marketing initiatives, Chaplaincy provision and catering services 

Key outcomes from the most recent student feedback include:

  • The whole college survey of new students regarding their experience of enrolment and induction showed that their responses to the interview, prospective students’ evening, enrolment and induction is largely positive, with a score of 86%. The interview process meets student need in terms of advice and guidance and there is a clear understanding of entry requirements. Enrolment guidance and advice mirrors that given at the interview stage. The community and tutorial induction are well received, although the response to the former is less positive than previous years. College expectations regarding attendance and punctuality are clearly understood and students evidently make good use of the portal to monitor progress, which suggests that students understand individual responsibility for performance from an early stage. Students recognise that the tutor is there to challenge and support. In contrast to the role of the tutor, that of the Pastoral Manager is not so clearly understood and fewer students feel that this role is one of advice and guidance. The awareness of student services needs to be raised
  • The Chaplaincy succeeds in being a welcoming environment. Bearing in mind that this survey is conducted after only six weeks, the idea that the college is meeting the spiritual needs of the students is quite strong
  • Analysis of the feedback on teaching and learning for the whole college indicates a 91% satisfaction rate with teaching and a 91% satisfaction rate for assessment practice across the whole range of college programmes. There is an 85% satisfaction rate for the quality of resources and an 88% satisfaction rate for the level of guidance and support received. All of this data is broken down to subject level and used by the teaching teams to analyse, review and develop their teaching and course organisation in response

Recent improvements in College provision which were triggered by student feedback include:

  • Initiatives in our electronic tracking system so that students are more aware of their progress against their attainment and attendance targets 
  • An extension to the social area
  • Improvements in the quality and extent of female toilet provision 
  • Extension of wireless facilities across the College site

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